Consulting Services

Cultural Competence and Insight

Kane & Associates provides insight into the psychological and psycho-social characteristics of individuals and the impact of racism, oppression, and discriminatory treatment on those characteristics. Dr. Kane has idnetified numerous forms of racism and subtypes of trauma that can be detected through psychological examinations.

Clinical Traumatology

Traumatology is a primary reference for professionals all over the world who study and treat people exposed to highly stressful and traumaticevents, such as terrorist bombings, war disasters, fires, accidents, criminal and familial abuse, hostage-taking, hospitalization, major illness, and abandonment.

Dr. Kane is certified as Certified Trauma Treatment Specialist. This trauma certification is based on members' knowledge, experience, education and training in understanding trauma and its impact on functioning and assisting the legal system in finding truth when there are questions of traumatic stress.

There are three main types of traumas: Acute, Chronic, and Complex.

  • Acute trauma results from a single incident.
  • Chronic trauma is repeated and prolonged such as domestic violence or abuse.
  • Complex trauma is exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature.